Web Based Solutions

Vertex can bring a multitude of Web-Based solutions to your business, including but not limited to e-Commerce solutions for businesses, which offer a number of features, including support for online stores selling products in a variety of sizes, styles and colors. Included are browser-based administration pages as well as a modular approach for customization. For small and starting businesses we can deploy a transparent PayPal checkout process. The user never leaves your site. Every major payment gateway is supported as well.

A Content Management System (CMS) differs from website builders like Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver in that a CMS allows non-technical users to make changes to an existing website with little or no training. Website building tools like FrontPage and Dreamweaver require more technical knowledge and training on average. A CMS is an easy-to-use tool that gives authorized users the ability to manage a website. A CMS is a website maintenance tool rather than a website creation tool. Standard visual templates that can be automatically applied to new and existing content, creating one central place to change that look across all content on a site.

Once your content is separate from the visual presentation of your site, it usually becomes much easier and quicker to edit and manipulate. Included WYSIWYG editing tools allowing non-technical individuals to create and edit content. Workflow management submits a story but it's not published on the website until the copy editor cleans it up, and the editor-in-chief approves it. Document Management means managing the lifecycle of a document from initial creation time, through revisions, publication, archive, and document destruction.

Project management is the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a way that these resources deliver all the work required to complete a project within defined scope, time, and cost constraints. A project is a temporary and one-time endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. This property of being a temporary and one-time undertaking contrasts with processes, or operations, which are permanent or semi-permanent ongoing functional work to create the same.

Several commercial CRM software packages are available which vary in their approach to CRM. However, CRM is not just a technology, but rather a holistic approach to an organization’s philosophy in dealing with its customers. This includes policies and processes, front-of-house customer service, employee training, marketing, systems and information management. Hence, it is important that any CRM implementation considers not only technology, but furthermore the broader organizational.

The objectives of CRM strategy must consider a company's specific situation and its customers' needs and expectations. Commonly understood as "a private version of the Internet". It is a private computer network used to securely share part of an organization's information or operations with its employees. You can use an intranet to interface to legacy corporate data, email, and FTP.

Workforce productivity: Via a simple-to-use web browser interface, users can access data held in any database the organization wants to make available, anytime and - subject to security provisions - from anywhere, increasing employees' ability to perform their jobs faster, more accurately, and with confidence that they have the right information. With intranets, organizations can make more information available to employees on a "pull" basis rather than being deluged indiscriminately by emails.

Web publishing allows cumbersome corporate knowledge to be maintained and easily accessed throughout the company using hypermedia and Web technologies. Such as manuals, benefits documents, company policies, business standards, newsfeeds, and even training, can be accessed using common Internet standards (PDF, Flash, etc). Because each business unit can update the online copy of a document, the most recent version is always available to employees using the intranet.

Extranets are commonly understood as "a private internet over the Internet". A very common use of the term "extranet" is to designate the private part of a website, where registered users can navigate, enabled by authentication mechanisms on a login page. It is a private computer network used to share part of an organization's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. You can use an intranet to interface to legacy corporate data, email, and FTP.

Extranets can improve organization productivity by automating processes that were previously done manually (e.g.: reordering of inventory from suppliers), reducing the margin of error of these processes. Extranets allow organizations or project information to be viewed at times convenient for business partners, customers, employees, suppliers and other stake-holders. This cuts down on meeting times and is an advantage when doing business with partners in different time zones.

A Web portal is a website that provides personalized capabilities to its visitors, providing a pathway to other content. It is designed to provide services from a number of different sources to share collaboration in workplaces. A business-driven requirement of portals is that the content be able to work on multiple platforms such as personal computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and cell phones.

B2B and B2C Portals: These have become a very important resource for Global business. They provide buyer and seller details for different commodities and products and help in connecting businesses across the globe. A B2B portal that specializes in a single industry is called a Vertical B2B Portal or a Vortal. B2C or Business to Consumer portals are used to directly sell products to consumers.

Custom Programming Services

When you are talking about your business needs it is always good to have a solid company with more than twenty years of experience on your development team. At Vertex we are committed to excellence in the development of our products. However, business needs are often very specific or unusual. We believe in going out of our way to accommodate our clients.

In addition, we always provide training for your staff while we complete your project on the custom programming features. You don't have to depend on outside expertise or waste significant amounts of precious time. We are glad to help through the entire development process.

We can develop custom application features for any of our software packages from scratch, or we can take existing capabilities and modify or add whatever functionality you require. The estimated time and cost will depend on the complexity of the project. An exact quote will be given once the system specification is complete.

Security Audits

There are both tangible and intangible benefits to having an audit of the application and effectiveness of your company's security policy. Tangibly, the ability to identify potential risks and rectify these situations by reconfiguring systems is generally less costly than having to forensically locate risks after some damage has occurred. Intangible benefits include assurance that your company's security policy is being adhered to at each level, or knowledge of areas for improvement. A comprehensive computer system audit is a very economical alternative to the loss of your corporate reputation or the liability that could result from a breach of cyber security. Types and incidences of cyber security breaches vary greatly, but one thing they all have in common is the damage, financial and otherwise, that can be done to your business.

Internal business audits are constantly performed to ensure the most cost effective allocation of assets and resources across the organization. A periodic audit of your company cyber security policy, and in particular it's application at specific sites or points of your organization, is just as essential to the health of your business. Also, hiring someone with an information assurance degree can be beneficial, because they can suggest different ways to protect your crucial information.

A company security policy is only as good as its implementation and its value is determined by the level of organizational compliance afforded the policy. A cyber security audit will provide a business with a measurable interpretation of how well the security policy is being applied on a day to day basis across all levels of the organization. From this point, a company can clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the security policy itself as well as determine how well the security measures already in place are presently being utilized.